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RCIA Program - Preparing to become a Catholic

RCIA is a process through which men and women enter the Catholic Church.  It includes several stages marked by study, prayer, and rites celebrated during Mass.

Are you....

  • unbaptized?

  • a baptized non-catholic with little or no involvement in any church?

  • someone who wants to share in the Eucharist at Mass?

  • looking for a faith community to call home?

If you responded yes to any of these questions, then maybe the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for you.


Contact Information

Joan Dollinger  (609)884-5312 ext: 109 jdollinger @ladystarofthesea.org

Rev. John Dolan OSFS (609)884-5312 ext. 101


Our Lady Star of the Sea
520 Lafayette Street    Cape May, NJ 08204-1487
609-884-5312        609-542-9702 (Fax)