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Religious Education - PREP

PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)


2023 - 2024 PREP Classes


Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is held on Sunday mornings and includes the Sunday morning Mass. 

Classes begin Cathetical Sunday, September 17th.

All children who attend must be registered in the program before that Sunday. Classes are on Sunday mornings 9:45 and end with the 11:00AM Mass. Children are required to be in the program for two years before they make their First Communion. 

Registration fees are used to cover the cost of textbooks, classroom supplies, and other resources.   

New families may register in the parish office. Former students will receive this information by mail.


The registration fee for the coming year is:

  • $100. for the first child
  • $80. for the second child
  • ​$20. for the third child
  • The rest of the family comes free.

Contact Information:  

Joan Dollinger    609-884-5312 ext. 109 or  jdollinger@ladystarofthesea.org









Our Lady Star of the Sea
520 Lafayette Street    Cape May, NJ 08204-1487
609-884-5312        609-542-9702 (Fax)