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Knights of Columbus


Looking for a Few Good Men

Knights are Roman Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting and serving their local church and parish, Our Lady Star of the Sea. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your local community; while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your own family life.

When & Where We Meet

The Knights of Columbus - St. Mary's Council #6202 meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the McGivney Room of the Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Hall. At the conclusion of our casual meetings, light refreshments are served at approximately 8:15 PM. 


To discover more about our local K of C Council’s ongoing activities and events, please  click here  to view a downloadable and printable PDF of our current newsletter.

Let's Get Social

Stay connected...Follow us on  Facebook  and on our  Google Business Profile  page. Also please visit the national  K of C website  for additional information.

Scholarship Program  

The K of C - St. Mary's Council #6202 is proud to offer an annual scholarship program to support the academic endeavors of dedicated students involved in Catholic education. This merit-based scholarship aims to encourage and assist students who are or will be attending Catholic high schools, colleges or universities (private or public) and that are ardently participating in extracurricular (Catholic) activities while manifesting academic achievement, leadership and citizenship. For further information regarding the scholarship program, kindly contact Robert Bredehoft at 443-691-3532 or email him at  kofc6202@gmail.com . For a downloadable and printable PDF of the scholarship application, please  click here

Join Us & Become a Knight

New members are always welcomed and especially encouraged to join the K of C - St. Mary’s Council #6202 [Cape May]. To request a council membership application, please contact Grand Knight Jim Ford at 609-408-1812 or email him at jford63@comcast.net . To apply online, prospective members can also click the custom Knights of Columbus hyperlink, Join Online for Free

Mission Statement

The Knights of Columbus is an organization fortified by its past and driven by its goals for the future. It is through these five areas of service - faith, community, family, youth and fellowship - that the Knights of Columbus truly make a difference.

  • As Knights, our faith is our foundation, we are dedicated to the Catholic Church's growth and her good works.
  • As Knights, we are committed to the Catholic Church and our communities.
  • As fathers and husbands, serving our family is not only part of what we do, it is a part of who we are.
  • The importance of helping today's youth become tomorrow's leaders is a major focus.
  • To be a Knight means to believe in each other as we believe in ourselves; realizing that by creating strong, social and supportive local councils, we help create a stronger Order to ensure an even stronger future.



Our Lady Star of the Sea
520 Lafayette Street    Cape May, NJ 08204-1487
609-884-5312        609-542-9702 (Fax)


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