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Ministry of Lector at Our Lady Star of the Sea
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Ministry of Lector at Our Lady Star of the Sea


“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God,and the Word was God.”   John 1:1


Lectors have an important role in the celebration of the Mass. In the fullness of time, the Word of God took flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.   That Word continues to take flesh again and again whenever a man or woman stands up to proclaim it to the community of believers.   

Since the Lector proclaims not just any word, but the Word of God, it is essential that they develop the skills required to communicate God’s message competently. The ministry of the lector calls for a person to grow a love for Scripture, the living word of God.   The call to be a Lector is something that demands preparation. In becoming a Lector, you are accepting the responsibility to do your best, to practice, to make frequent self-evaluations, and to continually look for ways to improve your ability to communicate the Word of God clearly to the people of God. Through your own sacrifice of time, effort, and preparation, God’s living Word continues to be proclaimed to all of his people and offer you an opportunity for your own personal growth in Jesus Christ.   


Click here for key information about the Parish Ministry of Lector.  

The Qualifications for Lectors are:

·       You must be a practicing Catholic, having been baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church

·      Have a clear public reading voice

·      At least 15 years of age

·      If married, married in the Catholic Church.

The Requirements for Lectors are:

·       Attend appropriate formation and training within the Camden diocese*

·       Be willing to serve at an assigned Mass, or make timely substitutions with another qualified lector

·       Make a minimum of a two year commitment

·       Willingness to attend bi-annual liturgical parish meetings

*Anyone who has attended the School of Liturgy in the Camden Diocese or has participated in the School of Liturgy training within our parish.   The certification for this ministry does not transfer from Diocese to Diocese.

If you are interested in this ministry please contact Joan Dollinger, the Coordinator of Liturgy. j dollinger@ladystarofthesea.org  or 884-5312 ext 109


Click here for Lector Schedule November, 2024 
through February 23, 2025.

Click here for Lector Schedule March through May, 2025.



Our Lady Star of the Sea
520 Lafayette Street    Cape May, NJ 08204-1487
609-884-5312        609-542-9702 (Fax)


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