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Pastoral Council Meeting May 2017
The final meeting of the Pastoral Council
before the summer was
held on May 9, 2017:
- The final preparation for Ministry Sunday was solidified.
- Concern was expressed about the crowds at the Easter Masses and the decision was made to try to ameliorate the situation by adding an extra Mass. Nevertheless, it was noted that most people still want to attend the Mass best fitting their schedule.
- Our parish Mission for next year will be in Lent: March 18, 19 & 20, 2018 and given by Father DeLilio OSFS.
- The issue of the parking lot was addressed, especially the problem of people parking in the fire lane . Signage will be placed and lines will be painted in the parking lot before the summer.
- As the repairs/refurbishing of the parish complex continue, we will be painting the parish hall, refurbish the Madden Room and the Hall in the lower Church area.
- In response to a letter from the diocese asking us to not mail out raffle tickets, they will be distributed to our parishioners in Church.