Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
Administered by the

Oblates of St. Francis DeSales
525 Washington Street
Cape May, NJ 08204

St. Agnes Mission Church
501 Cape Avenue, Cape May Point

Current Mass Schedule at Our Lady Star of the Sea

Sat.  4:00PM
Sun.  8:30AM and 10:30AM, 6:00PM
10:30AM Live Stream and Open to the Public

Daily Mass: Mon. - Fri. 11:00 AM Our Lady Star of the Sea

Open for Private Prayer:
Monday - Friday 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Saturday -2:30PM - 5:00PM
Sunday - 7:30AM - 11:30AM, 5:00PM - 7:00PM

Confessions:  Tuesday & Thursday after 11:00 AM Mass, Saturday: 3:00 - 3:30PM

Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Friday of the Month
          9:00 - 11:00AM
First Saturday of the Month: Mass at 9:00AM
Parish Offices located in
Parish Center (former school building)

Monday through Friday
9:00AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 - 4:00 PM


 "Half an hour's meditation
each day is essential, except
when you are busy.
Then a full hour is needed."


~ St. Francis de Sales



Click here for our next live streaming event. 

Music and lyrics live-streamed with permission under One-License #A-741909.

Live Streaming events for the week:

Sunday, February 16 ~ Mass @ 10:30AM


2024 APPEAL: “Through Him and For Him”

By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you are supporting those who comprise the programs and ministries of the Diocese of Camden. These ministries serve the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the hungry and challenged. When we support the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we can bring the light of hope to those in the Catholic community of South Jersey.


Click here to view the Bishop's Appeal
for the South Jersey Catholic Ministries.

Click here to make a donation. Please make sure you select, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Cape May.



Mission Statement


Swept by the waves of Christ's love and guided by the Holy Spirit, we welcome all to the Catholic community of Our Lady Star of the Sea in the heart of Cape May.

We celebrate God's Presence in Word, Sacrament, and Service.

We seek to be a faith-filled community where you 
experience the loving embrace of God.


Help support Our Lady Star of The Sea:


 Scan the QR code below to access Parish Giving.


 Click here to read an article about
Our Lady Star of the Sea in Cape May magazine